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The Supreme Court’s Cyberlaw Influence — Not Much, Thankfully

Tom O’Toole at BNA TechLaw […]

Is Social Media Making Corporate Web Sites Irrelevant?

This Mashable headline suggests, as devotees understand viscerally, that the Internet’s current social networking phenomenon is radically changing communications modes on the Net. Not only is email on the way out, but now the very existence of “static” Web sites is being questioned.

This is more than a question of style, I suggest. The real-time, […]

Challenging DMCA Conventional Wisdom

Most observers believe that, right or wrong, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) prohibits copying of DVDs, even for backup purposes, because of its Content Scrambling System (CSS) encryption technology. Now Real Networks is challenging that conventional wisdom in California, where its RealDVD product is under attack. But the litigation developments actually suggest that Real […]

Social Media Rules of Engagement

OK, so my new colleague Ryan Wynia at BeYOB.com posted, in bullet form, the “rules of engagement” for social media for businesses I presented at SPARKt2 in Chicago on April 29. Glenn Manishin’s Rules of Engagement [BYOB]. But that short treatment misses some of the nuances, and besides, I thought of them first! So here […]

Law and War

There’s an old adage that combat is best characterized as long periods of boredom punctuated by moments of terror. Physicist Brian Greene says that science is a “life of confusion punctuated by rare moments of terror.” I believe that the law is a “life of boring mendacity punctuated by brief moments of sheer terror.” So […]

What’s In a Name?

SciFi Channel is all set to become Syfy. But no, despite what CNet News implies, it is not the lawyers’ fault. The point here is a rather arcane one about trademark law, which prohibits use of a generic term as a protected description of goods or services. The CNet article seems to suggest that “SciFi […]

Let’s Kill All the Dentists…

As if the job isn’t bad enough, now depression is taking hold among more lawyers. Or a least so reports the Wall Street Journal’s Law Blog. Personally, I believe that psychological issues are part of the dark underbelly of the legal profession, in which suicide ranks second only to dentistry as a cause of professional […]