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Caught in Limbo: Copyright and Social Media Content, TerraLex (Dec. 2013)

Contributor, Telecom Antitrust Handbook, 2d ed., ABA Section of Antitrust Law (2013)

Antitrust Enforcement At A Crossroads, in Inside the Minds: Recent Developments in Antitrust Law, Thomson Reuters (2013)

FTC And SEC Are Schizoid On Social Media, Law360 (May 2013)

Deconstructing The FTC’s Google Investigation, Monopoly Matters, ABA Section of Antitrust Law, Unilateral Practices Committee (Spring 2013)

Prudence Is The Right Answer To ‘Search Neutrality’ Claims, Law360 (Dec. 2012)

Does the OS Want To Be Free?, Information Intersection (May 2012)

Off With Their Heads! The Fantasy Google Monopoly, Forbes (Feb. 2012)

Technology & the Supreme Court, Lexology (Sept. 2011)

Patent Wars and Blackmail In Silicon Valley, Huffington Post (Aug. 2011)

The Law of User Generated Content, Such As It Is, Lexology (Aug. 2011)

AT&T, T-Mobile & Behavioral Remedies, Lexology (July 2011)

No Need For Antitrust Prosecution of Google, National Law Journal (July 2011)

AT&T And T-Mobile: Duopoly Deja Vu?, Law360.com (April 2011) (with William K. Keane)

Why Net Neutrality Rules and Broadband “Third Way” Reclassifications Are Unnecessary and Unlawful, Icarus, ABA Antitrust Section, Communications & Digital Technology Industries Committee (Fall 2010)

Net Neutrality Is Dead; Long Live Net Neutrality, Mondaq (April 2010)

Sizing Up the FCC’s Controversial National Broadband Plan, Lexology (March 2010)

FCC’s “Net Neutrality” Looking to Regulate the Internet?, Martindale.com (Nov. 2009)

Telecommunications Consumer Data: A Privacy Update, Duane Morris Alert (March 2009)

Is Competitor Collaboration Dead After Google-Yahoo?, Icarus, ABA Antitrust Section, Computer & Internet Committee (Nov. 2008)

In the Tech Industry, Small Isn’t Beautiful Anymore, Op-Ed, San Jose Mercury News (Oct. 2008)

The Case Against Media Consolidation: Evidence on Concentration, Localism and Diversity, with M. Cooper, G. Kimmelman et al. (Free Press 2007)

Partnering: One Size Does Not Fit All, Metropolitan Corporate Counsel (June 2006)

Current Spam Law and Policy, 21 Computer & Internet Lawyer 1 (2004)

Overview of Spam Law and Policy, in Complying With the CAN-SPAM Act and Other Critical Business Issues: Staying Out of Trouble (Practising Law Institute 2004)

Cybersecurity, in Homeland Security Law Handbook (ABS Govt. Consulting 2003)

Recent Developments In Jurisdiction Over Internet-Related Claims, Kelley Drye Update (Dec. 2002)

Is God Dead?: Structural Remedies for the Microsoft Case, The Stranger, vol. 9, no. 34, May 17, 2000

Addressing the Microsoft Challenge: Restoring Competition To the Software Industry, Software & Information Industry Ass’n (Feb. 1999)

Domain Names and Internet Governance, Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility Journal, vol. 16, no. 2 (1998)

Telecommunications and Computers at a Crossroads, Connecticut Law Tribune, Nov. 13, 1995

Learning to (Tele)communicate Together, Legal Times, Nov. 6, 1995

Government Plan to Secure the Information Superhighway, Counsel’s Advisory, vol. 3, no. 5 (Washington Legal Foundation 1995)

An Antitrust Paradox for the 1990s: Revisiting the Role of the First Amendment in Cable Television, 9
Cardozo Arts & Ent. L.J. 1 (1990)

Self-Regulation, in Association Issues (Jerald Jacobs, ed., 1989)

Cable at the Crossroads, Broadcasting, June 6, 1988

Antitrust and Regulation in Cable Television: Federal Policy at War with Itself, 6 Cardozo
Arts & Ent. L.J. (1987)

Withering Away: The Demise of the “AT&T Theory,” Regulatory Reform, Industrial Regulation Committee Newsletter, vol. 2, no. 1 (ABA Section of Antitrust Law 1987)

Contributor, Antitrust Law Developments (Second), First Supplement 1983-86 (ABA Section of Antitrust
Law 1986)

Postal Service Electronic Mail: Innovation or Predation?, 1 Telematics 16 (May 1984) (with Donald A. Kaplan)

Garn St-Germain: A Harbinger of Change, 40 Wash. & Lee L. Rev. 1313 (1983) (with Stanley M. Gorinson)

Federalism, Due Process & Minimum Contacts: World-Wide Volkswagen Corp. v. Woodson, 80 Colum. L. Rev. 1341 (1980)

Section 1981: Discriminatory Purpose or Disproportionate Impact?, 80 Colum. L. Rev, 137 (1980)