September 2, 2004
Morons of Eagle County
So the local Colorado prosecutors have dropped their rape case against Kobe Bryant, saying the victim -- who has filed a civil lawsuit for damages -- does not want to testify. But the reality is these guys botched up the case from the start and then hid evidence from their forencic pathologist that the victim's injuries were inconsistent with forced sexual assault. Case Promised Only Defeat, Disgrace[].
In the end, our system of justice put a rich, superstar public figure athlete under the media spotlight display for a year, forced him to spend millions of dollars in legal fees, and possibly ruined his reputation, on a case that never should have been brought in the first place. And because the criminal investigation and suit were overseen by a bunch of Keystone Cop proscutors, they ended up trashing Bryant's rights so badly that they eventually just gave up. Something's wrong with this picture.
Posted by glenn