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Managing Legal Risks In Social Media

This is the SlideShare copy of my webinar presentation this afternoon for the SociaLex conference, focusing on the legal issues arising in connection with social media and managing socmedia legal risks in the enterprise. Slide quality is not the best, so I’ll repost later in native format. [The native format slides are here.]

Social Media: […]

Twitter’s Still a Revolutionary Technology

Saudi Arabians will now need a governmental license to post on Twitter.

TechCrunch reports that the Saudi royal family has decreed that Tweets must pass government approval. That’s a reaction to June 2009′s so-called “Green Revolution” in Iran, where Twitter became an instrument for crowd-sourced demonstrations and altering Western media to repression.


Andrew […]

Cover of the Rolling Stone (Not)

My photo from Sunday’s Washington Redskins’ game made the cover of Flipboard. Wow, you say? Not really. See, Flipboard is an iPad app — created by a team led by former Tellme CEO and client Mike McCue — that dynamically creates a magazine layout of all your social media connections and posts.

Still, it’s rare […]

Blogs of the AmLaw 100

The LexDigerati law blog (blawg) made this compilation of “Blogs of the AmLaw 100″ earlier this week. Thanks, Adrian Dayton! Via Legal Marketing: Social Media Edition.


Search Neutrality: Antitrust As (Bad) Social Policy

According to the New York Times, Texas attorney general Greg Abbott has launched an antitrust investigation of Google, based on the concept that deviations from “search neutrality” are anticompetitive and unlawful. Texas Attorney General Investigates Google Search | NYTimes.com.

The examination involves the fairness of Google search results, a concept called search neutrality. […]