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The FTC As a Threat To Tech Innovation

The Wall Street Journal reinforces my earlier posts about the threat to innovation posed by premature government intervention into the technology marketplace. […]

5 Ways Mobile Is Different (And How That Matters)

The European Union has ordered Google to make “sweeping changes” to its business model by extending restrictions being demanded for Web search into the mobile realm. That’s wrong because mobile is fundamentally different for 5 profoundly important reasons. […]

More CFAA Uncertainty

The ambiguities inherent in the often-amended Computer Fraud & Abuse Act are growing as aggressive litigants vie for competing interpretations. […]

A Penny Saved

With the Square-Starbucks joint venture, we are now on the verge of an inflection point for commercial payments. How many more years or decades before currency itself becomes extinct? […]

IoT + EU = ?

People have been talking, and pontificating, about a coming “Internet of Things” since 1999. Now the European Union wants to regulate the IoT even before it is fully gestated and born. […]