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Politics, Polls and Telephone Poles

60 years ago, when Harry Truman beat Tom Dewey for the presidency, it was widely predicted by pollsters that Truman would lose. This led to the famous “Dewey Beats Truman” headline in the newspaper proudy flashed by the winning candidate.

The problem, it was later revealed, was that the Gallup organization based its poll […]

Managing Legal Risks in Social Media

I’ve posted a set of legible slides from my SocialStrat presentation on managing enterprise legal risks in social media. Find them here in native format or on the LexDigerati presentations page.


Why Net Neutrality Rules and Broadband “Third Way” Reclassification Are Unnecessary and Unlawful

This is the opening paragraph of an article by this author appearing today in the Fall 2010 issue of Icarus, the newsletter of the ABA’s Communications & Digital Technology Industries Committee, Section of Antitrust Law. “If the issue of broadband reclassification is not addressed with sensitivity to the history and traditions of FCC common […]